Technical expertise to implement TNFD

As one of the technical consultants for a series of pilots designed to test the implementation of the 0.4 beta framework for nature-related risk and opportunity management and disclosure, we provide insights and practical expertise to organisations seeking to adopt the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosure’s LEAP approach.

To achieve this, we work with sustainability teams to develop internal processes for assessing an organisation’s nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks, and the many opportunities to support biodiversity and human wellbeing, whilst achieving Net Zero.

The emerging nature regulatory and reporting frameworks are shifting rapidly to align with the global goals of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (K-M GBF). As a result, forward-thinking organisations are now looking to understand their impacts on nature and explore actions they can take to align with global goals for nature (e.g. Nature Positive).  Many companies will be subject to the CSRD from 2025 onwards, and to emerging regulations in the coming years.

The Nature-based Insights team help organisations navigate nature-related frameworks, legislation and metrics applicable to the private sector. In particular, we provide insights on business nature-related frameworks, regulations, and biodiversity metrics for organisations to consider when designing their internal analytical framework.


Screenshot of the report cover

You can find our Reckitt TNFD pilot study on Latex in Thailand in the TNFD Guidance on the LEAP approach (box 21 p. 121).

More information

Case studies of pilots highlighted by our partner, Global Canopy